
This is a phase 2a, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of NST-6179 in subjects with intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). The study will be conducted in 2 sequential parts. Up to 36 subjects diagnosed with IFALD will be enrolled in the study, of which up to 18 subjects will be enrolled in each of the 2 parts and randomized (2:1) to receive NST-6179 (N=12/part) or matched placebo (N=6/part). Subjects in Part A will receive once daily (QD) oral administration of 800 mg (32 mL solution) NST-6179 or placebo for 4 weeks. The NST-6179 dose for Part B is planned to be 1200 mg QD for 12 weeks. Actual dose, however, will be determined during the safety review meeting.



Eligible Ages
Over 16 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  • Adult persons aged 16 years or older at the time of informed consent. - Minimum of 6 months on Parenteral supplementation. - Established clinical diagnosis of IFALD based on a persistent elevation of 1. liver enzymes (ALP, AST, ALT, or GGT ≥1.5 × upper limit of normal [ULN]) for ≥6 months and/or 2. total bilirubin > ULN for ≥6 months. - Laboratory parameters consistent with stable liver disease without cirrhosis as defined by: 1. ALT and AST <5 × ULN; 2. Total bilirubin ≤2.5 mg/dL in the absence of Gilbert's Syndrome. 3. Serum albumin ≥2.5 g/dL; 4. International normalized ratio (INR) ≤1.3 in the absence of anticoagulant therapy; 5. Platelet count ≥120,000/mm3.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Clinical, laboratory, imaging, or histopathologic evidence of other causes of acute or chronic liver disease, including autoimmune, viral, metabolic, or alcoholic liver disease. - Clinical evidence of compensated or decompensated hepatic cirrhosis as assessed by historical liver histology, ultrasound-based and/or signs and symptoms of hepatic decompensation (including, but not limited to, jaundice, ascites, variceal hemorrhage, and/or hepatic encephalopathy). - Presence of hepatic impairment, end-stage liver disease, and/or a model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score >12. - Transient elastography read >20.0 kPA within 3 months prior to or during the Screening Period. - Estimated glomerular filtration rate <45 mL/min based on the 2021 CKD-EPI creatinine equation. - Poor nutritional status defined as body mass index (BMI) <17 kg/m2.

Study Design

Phase 2
Study Type
Intervention Model
Sequential Assignment
Primary Purpose
Double (Participant, Investigator)

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Part A-800 mg NST-6179
up to 12 subjects
  • Drug: NST-6179 Part A
    Once daily (QD) oral administration of 800mg (32 mL solution) of NST-6179 for 4 weeks
Part A matched NST-6179 placebo
up to 6 subjects
  • Other: Matched Placebo
    Matched placebo for administration in Part A or Part B
Part B- 1200mg NST-6179
up to 12 subjects
  • Drug: NST-6179 Part B
    Once daily (QD) oral administration of 1200mg of NST-6179 for 12 weeks
Part B matched NST-6179 placebo
up to 6 subjects
  • Other: Matched Placebo
    Matched placebo for administration in Part A or Part B

Recruiting Locations

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee 37232
Dawn Adams

More Details

NorthSea Therapeutics B.V.

Study Contact

Michelle Yokley
+31 (0) 35 760 65 05


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.